The notice Funeral Card takes the form of a text message or e-mail. It includes an interactive link that leads to a unique, personalised web page (electronic obituary) informing about the date, time and venue of the funeral ceremony.

The electronic notice also has other features that a traditional obituary does not.

The electronic obituary includes a photo of the deceased, their name, the place of the farewell ceremony and the place of burial, along with interactive maps of how to get to each location. It is also possible to include a special note from the family – for example, a request for condolences not to be expressed.

The Funeral Card also allows you to order flowers for the funeral using an online payment service, send condolences, share memories and broadcast the ceremony online to only those notified.

  Funeral Card can be sent to family members, friends, even if you have not been in  touch with them for a long time.   Funeral Card can be sent to family members, friends, even if you have not been in touch with them for a long time.